Today we’ll be discussing conflict resolution in the office. Conflict is a part of life, but when it’s not handled correctly, it can lead to stress, interfere with business, and even escalate to physical violence. In the workplace, conflicts can be a source of innovation and positive change, but only if they’re handled appropriately.

In this course, we’ll cover effective conflict resolution processes that human resource professionals have developed for employees. We’ll learn that unresolved conflicts can damage employee morale, hurt company reputation, and reduce worker productivity. It’s important to recognize and deal with workplace conflicts promptly and effectively.

We’ll also discuss how different conflicts arise in the workplace, including disagreements about goals and how to accomplish them, procedural conflicts, misunderstandings, and poor communication. Additionally, we’ll explore ineffective techniques for resolving conflicts such as competing, yielding, and avoiding. These responses can escalate disagreements, cause bitterness, and delay the resolution process.

Instead, effective conflict resolution requires collaboration, which involves letting go of personal biases and emotions, and communicating assertively with the goal of finding common ground. We’ll also discuss how to handle confrontations in the workplace, remaining calm, avoiding bodily contact, and defusing the situation peacefully.

By understanding the roots of disputes and taking the time to collaborate and communicate, we can resolve conflicts effectively and prevent workplace violence. So let’s work together to create a more pleasant and productive office for everyone, every day.

Handling workplace conflicts appropriately can lead to positive change for both employees and companies they work for. However, if conflicts are left unresolved, they can escalate to become more severe, leading to stress, interference with business operations, and even physical violence. To help employees learn how to handle conflicts, we have created a variety of “Conflict Resolution in the Office” products. These include new micro-learning and full-length online courses, as well as DVDs and interactive CD courses.

These products cover various topics integral to understanding workplace conflict, such as identifying different types of conflict and how to find lasting solutions to disagreements. They also cover how to handle confrontations effectively and discuss responses that can make conflicts worse. All “Conflict Resolution” products are available in both English and Spanish, making them accessible to a broader audience. A detailed course outline in PDF format is also available.

Our online interactive courses are designed to engage and involve employees in the learning process. Full-motion HD video filmed in real-life workplace settings and interactive quiz questions ensure that employees are fully engaged and retain more of the information they have learned. The courses also incorporate remediation training, which presents the course content again to trainees who miss a quiz question, making the courses more efficient and effective.

All training activity is tracked and recorded, including test scores, making it easy for managers to monitor employees’ progress. We offer a range of online safety courses, including adaptive learning courses, micro-learning courses, full-length interactive courses, and video streaming (VOD) courses. With over 170 courses available, topics include regulatory compliance, human resource topics, and general safety topics, such as forklift/powered industrial truck safety, lock-out/tag-out, hazard communication, personal protective equipment, respiratory safety, confined space entry, and hearing safety.

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