Online Safety Courses: The Future of Employee Training
In the modern world of work, employees are always on the move, and their schedules are busier than ever. The traditional way of training employees in a classroom setting is no longer a viable option for many companies. However, with the advent of the internet, there is a new and better way to train employees: online safety courses.
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) sets strict regulatory obligations for employers to provide training for their employees in health and safety in the workplace. The goal of OSHA’s training requirements is to reduce the number of workplace accidents, injuries, and illnesses. Employers are required to train employees on hazards specific to their job, as well as emergency procedures, and OSHA standards. OSHA also requires that training records are maintained for a certain period to demonstrate compliance.
Workplace safety training is a crucial component of a comprehensive health and safety program. A well-designed training program can improve employee knowledge and skills, increase their awareness of hazards, and promote safe work practices. This in turn can lead to a safer work environment, lower the risk of accidents and illnesses, improve employee morale, and increase productivity.
Our Interactive Online Training Courses
For a demo of the Online Training System or to preview any of the available topics click here
Interactive online safety training courses provide a convenient and efficient way for employers to meet their OSHA training obligations and improve safety in the workplace. Our online courses are designed to keep employees engaged and involved in the learning process. The use of full-motion HD video filmed in real-life workplace settings, interactive quiz questions, and on-the-fly customization ensures that employees are fully engaged and retain more information.
Our online interactive courses are designed to keep employees engaged and involved in the learning process. The courses are constructed in such a way that employees have to pay attention in order to keep moving through them. The use of full-motion HD video filmed in real-life workplace settings and interactive quiz questions ensures that employees are fully engaged in the learning process and retain more of the information they have learned.
We offer a range of different types of online safety courses, including adaptive learning courses, micro-learning courses, full-length interactive courses, and video streaming (VOD) courses. Our libraries contain over 170 courses on important topics such as regulatory compliance, human resource topics, and general safety topics. Some of the topics covered include forklift/powered industrial truck safety, lock-out/tag-out, hazard communication, personal protective equipment, respiratory safety, confined space entry, and hearing safety.
Remediation Training: A Key Element of Effective Safety Training
In addition to the many benefits of online safety courses, it’s also important to note the value of remediation training. Remediation training is a process that provides additional instruction and guidance to employees who have not fully understood or retained the information presented in the training courses.
Remediation training is particularly important in safety training because it ensures that employees have a full understanding of the safety information and regulations they need to know in order to work safely. By using remediation training, companies can ensure that all employees receive the training they need to do their jobs safely and effectively.
We believe that remediation training is a key element of effective safety training. That’s why our online courses include quiz questions and remediation if an employee answers a question incorrectly. This ensures that all employees receive the training they need to work safely, and it also helps to increase the overall quality of the training. If a trainee misses a question in any of the quiz portions of the course they are presented with the precise content that contains the answers they missed. We’ve found this to be incredibly useful for training as it helps people learn faster than they otherwise would.
For a demo of the Online Training System or to preview any of the available topics click here
In conclusion, health and safety in the workplace is a critical aspect of any business and should not be taken lightly. Employers have a legal obligation to provide a safe work environment and comply with relevant regulations, and comprehensive training is a key component of this. Our online interactive safety training courses provide a convenient, engaging, and effective way for employers to meet their OSHA training obligations and improve safety in the workplace. By utilizing our courses, employers can ensure their employees receive comprehensive training, are engaged in the learning process, and are committed to promoting a safe work environment.