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I’m excited to talk about the free demo of confined space training online! Yes, you heard me right – a free demo of the best online training system available!

Confined spaces can be deadly. That’s why the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recognizes the importance of confined space training. Between 2011 and 2018, over 1,000 workers lost their lives in confined spaces while on the job. This is why it’s crucial for employers to provide their employees with the necessary training to identify and control the hazards associated with confined spaces and to minimize serious injuries.

Training is essential for workers who enter confined spaces regularly, such as maintenance technicians, and for those who only enter them occasionally, such as emergency responders. Not only does it protect employees, but it also demonstrates an employer’s commitment to worker safety and reduces the risk of accidents and liability. It helps to build a culture of safety within the workplace.

Online training is the solution to delivering effective and efficient confined space training to your employees. With online training, employees can learn at their own pace, reducing the time and resources required to complete the training. They can complete the training from anywhere with an internet connection.

Our online training system is designed to keep employees engaged and involved in the learning process. We use full-motion HD video filmed in real-life workplace settings and interactive quiz questions to ensure that employees are fully engaged in the learning process and retain more of the information they have learned. Additionally, our online courses incorporate remediation training, so if a trainee misses a question, they are presented with the course content that explains the topic over again.

Training activity is tracked and recorded along with test scores, making it easy for managers to monitor their employees’ progress. Our comprehensive library of over 170 courses on important topics such as confined space entry, hazard communication, and more, makes our online training system the best solution for delivering confined space training to your employees.

Screenshot from the Free Demo of our Confined Space Entry Training Program

Screenshot from the Free Demo of our Confined Space Entry Training Program

For a demo of the Online Training System or to preview any of the available topics click here

What follows is a brief summary of the first few sections of Confined Space Entry Training Course:

The OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) created the Permit-Required Confined Space Standards to ensure the safety of workers who work in confined spaces. Confined spaces are defined as spaces that are large enough to enter and work in but entry and exit are physically limited or restricted and are not designed for continuous use. These spaces can take many forms such as tanks, vessels, HVAC ducts, storage bins, water mains, vaults, and pits. The hazards found in confined spaces can be divided into four categories: hazardous atmospheres, tight layouts, engulfment, and other serious safety or health risks.

The OSHA regulations have established standard safe work practices to help keep workers safe while working in confined spaces. Employers must identify all confined spaces within the workplace, inform employees of the spaces, and develop a Permit-Required Confined Space Program to control access to the spaces, control hazards, and protect workers. The program will include the posting of warning signs and the requirement of a written entry permit to enter a confined space. The entry team consists of entrants, attendants, and an entry supervisor.

The entry permit is a document that prepares the entry team to enter a confined space safely. It includes information on the location and nature of the confined space, the reason for entry, the date and authorized duration of entry, the hazards associated with the space, and the measures to be taken to isolate or control these hazards. The permit must also specify the personal protective equipment to be worn and the communications gear and atmospheric monitors to be used.

Before the entry can begin, the entry permit must be signed by the entry supervisor and the space must be tested for hazardous atmospheres. The tests must measure oxygen levels, flammable gases and vapors, toxic contaminants, and combustible dusts. If a hazardous atmosphere is found, continuous forced-air ventilation or respirators may be required. The entry must also follow lock-out/tag-out procedures and any hot work must be authorized by a hot work permit. The entry supervisor must ensure that rescue services are standing by and that all required safety tests and procedures are in place before signing off on the permit.

Don’t miss out on the chance to see for yourself why our online training system is the best. Act now and get your free demo of confined space training online!

For a demo of the Online Training System or to preview any of the available topics click here