A diversion program, also known as a pretrial diversion program or pretrial intervention program, offers a chance for first-time offenders to avoid a criminal record by undertaking certain actions aimed at remedying the behavior leading to the original arrest. The program is administered by the judicial or law enforcement systems, and it often includes a rehabilitation component to avoid future criminal acts.

A diversion program deals primarily with first-time offenders, providing them with a chance to avoid a criminal record by undertaking certain actions that are designed to benefit the offender, their victims, and the wider community. The programs are typically run by a police department, court, district attorney’s office, or an outside agency, and the requirements for each program can differ based on the jurisdiction. However, common requirements include education aimed at preventing future offenses by the offender, restitution to the victims of the offense, completion of community service hours, and avoiding situations for a specified period in the future that may lead to committing another such offense (such as contact with certain people).

The availability and operation of diversion programs for bad driving and motor vehicle violations vary by jurisdiction, but they can be a valuable option for first-time offenders or those who want to avoid a criminal record. These programs may require completion of community service hours, attendance at driving safety courses, and/or drug and alcohol counseling. It’s important to note that pleading guilty is often a prerequisite to access to a diversion program, and failure to complete the program can result in the defendant being brought back to court and proceeding directly to conviction and sentencing. Nevertheless, diversion programs offer a chance for drivers to learn from their mistakes, become better drivers, and avoid more serious consequences.

Diversion programs aren’t just for criminal offenses; they can also be used for motor vehicle violations and traffic tickets. In the United States, some jurisdictions even offer diversion programs for seriously bad driving, such as reckless driving or driving under the influence (DUI). These programs aim to educate drivers on the dangers of reckless driving and the consequences of driving under the influence, as well as offer rehabilitation and counseling to those who need it. Successful completion of these programs can lead to a reduction in charges or dismissal of the case.

In fact, Advent eLearning offers a behavioral-based instructional course in defensive driving that is appropriate for a wide variety of common moving and vehicle code violations. This course teaches drivers behavioral techniques to improve driving attitudes, avoid aggressive drivers, and improve driving performance in common scenarios such as distracted, inclement and other hazardous conditions. By participating in this program, drivers can not only improve their skills and reduce their chances of receiving traffic violations, but also avoid the legal and financial consequences that often come with a driving offense.

I’m excited to tell you about Advent eLearning’s Defensive Driving program. If you’re looking to improve your driving skills and learn behavioral best practices for driving in hazardous conditions, this course is for you.

Advent eLearning is a leading provider of technology-based solutions that add efficiency to government offices. The company has been providing unique, online solutions that help government offices better do their jobs since 2005. The Defensive Driving program is just one of the many products they offer to help local government agencies accomplish more without requiring additional resources.

The Defensive Driving program teaches students behavioral driving techniques to improve driving attitudes, avoid aggressive drivers, and improve driving performance in common scenarios such as distracted, inclement and other hazardous conditions. This behavioral-based instructional coursework is appropriate for a wide variety of common moving and vehicle code violations.

The program includes instructional videos that allow students to improve driving skills by improving driving attitudes and habits, learning to share the road with aggressive drivers, and learning behavioral best practices for driving in a variety of hazardous conditions such as rain, fog, road debris, and pedestrians/cyclists.

The Defensive Driving program is 100% online and self-driven. You can start instantly and learn at your own schedule, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules. The course is available in all browser supported languages, making it accessible to a wide audience.

Upon completion of the course, you will earn a sharable certificate that you can add to your resume or share on social media. The certificate is a great way to showcase your commitment to safe driving and ongoing education.

The program is authored by Gold Cross Safety Corporation, one of the nationā€™s leading designers and developers of behavioral driving courses for leading U.S. companies. Gold Cross SmartDriverĀ® and S.A.F.E. Fleet courses have been used by millions of Americans for over 25 years to become better, safer drivers.

The Defensive Driving program is broken down into 16 lessons, including topics such as the average ticket getter, stress, choice and driving habits, tailgating and speeding, and distracted driving. The final lesson is a review and next steps, which provides guidance on how to apply what you’ve learned to your driving habits.

The program is not just for individual drivers, but it can also be used by local government agencies to help reduce the number of traffic violations and accidents on their roads. The program can also be utilized by fleet managers to improve the driving behavior of their drivers and reduce the number of accidents involving their vehicles.

In conclusion, the Advent eLearning Defensive Driving program is a comprehensive and convenient option for those looking to improve their driving skills and learn best practices for driving in hazardous conditions. The course is self-driven, available in multiple languages, and offers a sharable certificate upon completion. So, if you want to become a safer, more skilled driver, refer a student today, and get started with the Advent eLearning Defensive Driving program.

About Advent eLearning

Advent eLearning is an organization that has been providing online courses for over 15 years to individuals seeking to get their legal issues in the past. Their cognitive-based material is utilized by thousands each month as part of an assigned diversion, to satisfy a sanction reducing charges, or as part of a probationary agreement. The organization offers a catalog of over 30 online, evidence-based courses that are professionally created and accepted by courts and agencies across the country. Most of their courses are either 4 or 8 hours long and can be browser-translated so students can complete material in the language they choose. With over 300 criminal justice agencies directly referring Advent eLearning courses to their eligible defendants or offenders, their courses have become a trusted resource for those looking to effectively track and manage the processes associated with offering alternative programs.


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversion_program
  2. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Man_driving_car_near_coast_(Unsplash).jpg
  3. https://www.adventelearning.com/_files/ugd/a7d334_8057a7b0c32443e4a22b773fd5ce96c8.pdf
  4. https://www.adventelearning.com/level-1-agency/defensive-driving
  5. https://www.adventfs.com/about