Online safety training is a game-changer for businesses seeking to ensure the safety and regulatory compliance of their employees. Gone are the days of classroom-based training sessions led by untrained supervisors, interrupting the workday and often failing to engage and educate employees. Our interactive online courses offer a more efficient and effective solution, delivering high-quality training directly to employees wherever and whenever convenient.

Our courses use full motion HD video filmed in real workplace settings and include quiz questions to involve employees in the learning process actively. They are also customized on-the-fly using adaptive learning technology, teaching employees only what they don’t know and cutting training time in half. For those who prefer a more bite-sized approach, we also offer micro-learning courses in the form of 2-3 minute HD videos with accompanying tests.

In addition to our interactive and micro-learning courses, we offer video streaming courses using live-action HD video and full-length interactive courses for a more comprehensive learning experience. With over 170 courses covering a range of important safety and regulatory compliance topics, there is something for every business in our library.

Tracking and recording of training activity and test scores are made easy with our online platform, and our various usage plans allow businesses to choose the option that best fits their training budget. Whether you opt for an enterprise license giving employees unlimited access to all courses for a year, or the pay-per-access plan, you can trust that your employees are receiving the highest quality training available.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, ensuring that your employees have the necessary safety training to protect themselves and your company is more important than ever. But traditional classroom-based training can be time-consuming and disruptive to the workday, leading to disengaged employees and ineffective learning.

That’s where online safety training comes in. Our interactive courses use full motion HD video filmed in real workplace settings, quiz questions, and adaptive learning technology to keep employees engaged and ensure they retain the information they are learning. With over 170 courses covering a range of safety and regulatory compliance topics, there is something for every business in our library.

But our courses offer more than just high-quality training. They are also convenient and flexible, allowing employees to schedule their training sessions at a time that is convenient for them. And with tracking and recording of training activity and test scores, it is easy for businesses to monitor the progress of their employees and ensure they are meeting the necessary safety standards.

But don’t just take our word for it. Click on the link below to see a list of courses and try a demo for yourself. You’ll see firsthand the benefits that online safety training can bring to your business. Whether you choose an enterprise license giving employees unlimited access to all courses for a year or the pay-per-access plan, you can trust that your employees are receiving the best possible training. So, give your employees the gift of knowledge and invest in their safety with our comprehensive online safety training courses.

For a demo of the Online Training System or to preview any of the available topics, click here