OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, is a federal agency that enforces health and safety regulations in workplaces. To meet these requirements, companies can offer their employees OSHA online safety training, which offers numerous advantages: It enables businesses to comply with legal standards and helps them promote an environment of well-being for everyone onsite.

OSHA online safety training provides many benefits:

  • Unparalleled convenience and flexibility, allowing employees to complete the program during their schedule easily. This helps reduce disruptions to daily operations and offers an expedited path for completing required employee training.
  • Affordability. Not only does it prevent the expenditure of popular in-person courses, but also removes the necessity to finance travel and other associated logistics costs. This is especially advantageous for businesses requiring a considerable amount of personnel to be trained at once.
  • A stimulating experience compared to in-person sessions, which incorporates interactive activities, quizzes, and other elements into the program, guarantees engaged employees who better retain the material.

OSHA online safety training is an invaluable asset for businesses that want to adhere to regulatory standards and promote a safe working environment. Not only does it provide employees with the necessary knowledge on safety and compliance, but they can also take these interactive courses at their convenience without sacrificing productivity or disrupting workflow. By investing in OSHA online safety training, companies will achieve greater success while providing their workers with the right tools to thrive at work!

Our courses are crafted to keep employees engaged, with vivid HD video shot on-site and thrilling quiz questions that are incorporated into the learning process. If an employee responds incorrectly, we equip them with remedial guidance, so they comprehend the material completely. Research has demonstrated this technique of training boosts information retention and deepens knowledge absorption of the subject matter.

Not only do our online safety courses deliver a comprehensive and enjoyable learning experience, they also have several useful advantages. Every session is logged with individual performance statistics available to reference or use while reporting. With more than 170 topics included in the course catalog, it’s easy to select something that matches your organization’s exact needs and requirements.

Our cutting-edge adaptive learning courses are tailored to the user’s knowledge gaps, slashing training time in half. Our remarkable micro-learning courses feature 2-3 minute HD videos and tests that can be conveniently accessed through smartphones and tablets directly at the workstation. Moreover, our state-of-the-art video streaming (VOD) courses utilize live-action HD video for a fully engrossing educational experience.

Our online safety courses provide an efficient yet effective way to equip your employees with the necessary training. From interactive activities and quizzing to remediation – these resources ensure that your team grasps key material without sacrificing quality. Plus, you can save time and money due to the convenience of virtual instruction! So, if you’re keen on learning more about our online safety offerings, click below, where we have a catalog of readily available courses plus demos for better insight.

For a demo of the Online Training System or to preview any of the available topics, click here