For a demo of the Online Training System or to preview any of the available topics click here
Before the negative health effects of asbestos were fully understood, this hazardous substance was used in thousands of products and building materials. And asbestos-containing materials can be found in many buildings even today.
Employees such as custodial, engineering and maintenance staff need to understand the health risks associated with asbestos, be able to recognize asbestos hazards in their workplace and know what to do to protect themselves and others from exposure to asbestos.
“Asbestos Awareness” training from MARCOM provides employees with this important information, and also helps employers comply with the training requirements of the OSHA Asbestos Standard.
All of the products… the new “Micro-Learning” and full-length online courses as well as the DVDs and interactive CD courses… discuss topics that are integral to employees’ understanding of these issues.
Topics covered in these products include:
- Asbestos: “miracle” and menace.
- The health effects of asbestos.
- Thermal system insulation.
- Surfacing materials, floor and ceiling tiles.
- Protective equipment and safe work practices.
- Decontamination and medical surveillance.
- and more.
All “Asbestos Awareness” products are available in English and Spanish.
Asbestos Awareness Detailed Course Outline in PDF format
The “Asbestos Awareness” MicroLearning curriculum includes the following 3-5 minute courses:
- “Asbestos: Miracle and Menace”
- “The Health Effects of Asbestos”
- “Types of Asbestos Hazards”
- “Thermal System Insulation”
- “Surfacing Materials, Flooring and Ceiling Tiles”
- “Protective Equipment and Safe Work Practices”
- “Decontamination and Medical Surveillance”